
PowerShell 2.0 and Write-Verbose strange behaviour

I was writting a script for work wich was invoked on Windows 2012 R2 with PowerShell 4.0 as well on Windows 2008 R2 with PowerShell 2.0. This script was calling some sg utils and comparing the results. There is option to call it and to get just the result or to call it with more messges to see what actually is doing. So Write-Verbose seemed as a perfect option. In the first case all works fine with PowerShell (PS) 4.0. …

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Configure debugging environment for ARM in Ubuntu with Eclipse

Next article is how to configure SEGGER’s J-Link debugger to debug the NuttX OS from Eclipse.  Here I’m going to describe the it using The J-Link hardware debugging Eclipse plug-in. I nevver tried the other options so I don’t pretend this is the best but it works for so far. The configuration is done in Linux 14.04 environment.

You can check first these articles:

Install and configure NuttX ARM build environment in Linux

Building NuttX in Eclipse (Ubuntu)

1. Install

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Building NuttX in Eclipse (Ubuntu)

For me personally is more convenient to build the code directly from the IDE where I’m editing it so here is an article how to configure building of NuttX from Eclipse. I’m configuring this in Ubuntu 14.04. Also I assume that you already have configured the build environment for the NuttX. If you haven’t you can check this first:

Install and configure NuttX ARM build environment in Linux.

1. Download the latest Eclipse IDE for C++ developers

2. Load

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How to get an apk file from the Android device using adb

I needed to get an apk file from my installed apps so after checking few forums I found out this steps which helped me to achieve the goal.

This may vary with the version of Android OS. The following sequence of commands is what worked for me on a non-rooted Nexus 4 device with Android 4.4.4 and also with rooted Nexus 1 with CyanogenMod 7.2.0:

1) Determine the package name of the app, e.g. “com.example.someapp”. Skip this step if you …

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NuttX 7.3 documentation for eBook readers (mobi)

I just started to play with the NuttX 7.3 RTOS operating system so now need to read the documentation. For me it’s much easier to read on my book reader when I want to read the entire porting guide or user guide instead of on the PC or the tablet. For somebody else might be better reading on the beach so I’m releasing the converted documents if somebody else wants to use them.

Here is the list of the documents:…

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